Look your name!

You can find all names which they are inluded in Result Database System here. There are more than 11 000 names now. First you choose a state and after you can find list of concrete names from this state.

 All states  Name’s sites
ARG     Argentina
AUS     Australia
AUT       Austria
BEL     Belgium
BLR     Belorussia
BRA     Brazil
BRD     BRD (till 1991)
BUL     Bulgaria
CAN     Canada
CHI     Chile
CHN     China
CRO     Croatia
CUB     Cuba
CZE       Czech Republic (since 1993)
DDR     DDR (till 1991)
DEN       Denmark
ECU     Ecuador
ESP     Spain
EST     Estonia
FIN     Finland
FRA     France
GBR     Great Britain
GER     Germany
HKG     Hong Kong
HUN       Hungary
IRL     Ireland
ISR     Israel
ITA       Italy
JPN     Japan
KAZ     Kazakstan
KOR     Korea
LAT     Latvia
LTU     Lithuania
MAS     Malaysia
MKD     Macedonia
NED     Netherlands
NOR       Norway
NZL     New Zealand
POL       Poland
POR     Portugal
ROM     Romania
RSA     South Africa
RUS     Russia
SLO     Slovenia
SUI     Switzerland
SVK       Slovakia (since 1993)
SWE       Sweden
TCH       Czechoslovakia (till 1992)
UKR     Ukraine
URS     The Soviet Union (till 1991)
USA     The United States of America
YUG     Yugoslavia
MARTENSSON Jorgen        SWE
ROPEK Rudolf             CZE
STAFF Hanne              NOR

There are part of states only here.
Last update: 20th December 1998